October 2007 (We had a 2nd grader, a Kindergartner and a 3 year old, oh my goodness, they were babies!) Flash forward 3.5 years and this summer we are preparing to send our kids off to school in August as a 6th grader, 4th grader and a 2nd grader. How does this happen?
All of the kids are crazy busy with lots of fun activities! I feel like a chauffeur most of the time, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I spend many hours in the car driving to gymnastics practices/meets, soccer practices/games, basketball, baseball, etc.

She also plays competitive soccer on the Rockets Soccer Club '99 team. They have traveled throughout central Illinois playing in various tournaments and this spring won 1st place in 2 out of the 3 tournaments that they played.
Kylie has had braces since August of 2009 and is looking forward to getting them off in the next few months! Rob and I are looking forward to not having the payments any longer...

Her nickname at gymnastics is "Chipmunk" which fits her perfectly! Chipmunk is extremely petite for a 9 year old going into 4th grade (she still wears a size 6/7). Many people think that her and Brayden are twins, even though they are 26 months apart.
She is also a straight A student but flies by the seat of her pants a lot of the time. The bus is usually pulling up and she is running out the front door because she has waited til the last minute to do something!

"B" has played soccer since he was 3 and has played baseball and basketball. Rob coaches his YMCA soccer team and the team had an awesome season this spring. Our "B-Man" is the youngest and smallest on the team, but definitely holds his own (I think he scored at least 7 goals this past season). One of the parents called him a "little scraper", he knows the game and gets to where he needs to go, whether it be offense or defense.
We have been debating starting a Rocket Soccer Club competitive team for Brayden and his teammates and "B" has been begging us to play on a RSC team for a year. Well, Rob gave in and started a team and they just had try-outs. The RSC Boys '02 will take the field this fall and "B" is thrilled and can't wait for the first game!
Well in 2008, I was a stay-at-home mom. After Brayden went to Kindergarten, I received a phone call from my friends at Good Shepherd Preschool (where all of my kids had attended) asking me if I would be interested in working as a teacher's aide in the 4 year old classroom. I said yes and I worked there for 2 years and I loved every minute of it. I just "retired" from that position this spring and I am preparing to start another job this fall (more on that later)!
I continue to "volunteer" in many different organizations in the Rochester community (Rochester Elementary PTO, RYAA - Rochester Youth Athletic Association, Rochester Education Foundation, Rochester Summer Rec Program). I have a problem with saying "No, I'm sorry I can't do that".
Rob has worked for Timberlake Sales Inc. for 17 years and continues to work long hours and is basically on "call" 24/7. He coaches Brayden's soccer team and is involved in the Rockets Soccer Club and is working with some great individuals who are forming the "Rockets Foundation". We are working towards the eventual goal of building an athletic park in the Rochester area.
I know that I have probably overwhelmed you with this update, but I promise it won't be 3.5 years before the next update.
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